Studio MINSK
17 diensten aangeboden door Studio MINSK
Beschrijving We’ll make your brand communicate stronger and perform better. Whether that’s through print, online, TV or live.
Good design mattersk.Skills in Branding & Positionering (39) brand buildingpurposecorporate identity designbusiness brandingproduct introductionBrand Identity DesignContent campaignsbranding positioningglobal brandinginternational branding+29Projecten in Branding & Positionering (14) Review in Branding & Positionering (1) Eda Dumoulin-AkinKlanten in Branding & Positionering (14) AvrotrosMuziek | nationalBureau Voor ReuringMarketing & Reclame | internationalMeelunieVoedsel | internationalPerfect ProRetail | international
Meer informatie over Branding & PositioneringBeschrijving We can help with the strategy for your brand and work out all the design for it, or we can work with an existing strategy an go from there. At whatever stage you need design, be it visual or motion design, we can help.Skills in Ontwerp (47) Brand AwarenessInnovationPOSDisplayVisual Design2D2D AnimationIdentity DesignLogo DesignPrint Design+37Projecten in Ontwerp (22) Klanten in Ontwerp (22) Bureau Voor ReuringMarketing & Reclame | internationalPerfect ProRetail | internationalMeelunieVoedsel | internationalJakop Ahlbom CompanyEntertainment & Events | international
Meer informatie over OntwerpBeschrijving Our motion design is strongly tied to graphic design - it always has to look good and ellicit that gut feeling in your client. That way your video works not only to become more visible but even more so to position your brand.Skills in Motion Design (45) 3D Rendering3DAnimationVFX2D AnimationOnline VideoMotion Designstyleframes3d modelbranding graphic design+35Projecten in Motion Design (47) Klanten in Motion Design (47) SkyHighTVMedia | nationalSADCLogistiek & Supply Chain | nationallikewiseOverheid | nationalKRO NRCVMedia | national
Meer informatie over Motion DesignBeschrijving We believe advertising is strongly rooted in your brand identity. Whether is is OOH advertising or online, we got you covered.Skills in Reclame (9) BrandingBrand IdentityPositioningAdvertisingPoster DesignBrand Advertisingpos materialGraphic advertisingBanner AdvertisingProjecten in Reclame (5) Klanten in Reclame (5) EquigyEnergie en Olie | internationalPersuadeE-commerce | nationalStudio MiNSKMedia | internationalConclusion digital/ ZEKURVerzekering | national
Meer informatie over ReclameBeschrijving Good motion design depends on good storytelling. That said, a combination of 2D and 3D animation can really lift a production to a higher level. Be it 2D flat vector style or 3D with hyper realism, MiNSK can create a range of flavors.Skills in 3D (16) Motion Design2DExplainer VideoAnimation3D3D Rendering3D Animation3D ModelingVisual Effects3d design+6Projecten in 3D (8) Klanten in 3D (8) AVRO-TROSEntertainment & Events | nationalStudio MiNSKMedia | internationalPersuadeE-commerce | nationalPerfect ProRetail | international
Meer informatie over 3DBeschrijving We start with a strong visual identity, and work from UI & UX design towards a finished website you can be proud of.Skills in Website Creatie (9) Website MarketingContent CreationWebsite DesignMarketing Automationweb siteuser experience optimizationfunneluser flowVisual IdentityProjecten in Website Creatie (6) Klanten in Website Creatie (6) MeelunieVoedsel | internationalBureau Voor ReuringMarketing & Reclame | internationalEquigyEnergie en Olie | internationalLikewiseEntertainment & Events | national
Meer informatie over Website CreatieBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Video Productie (1) Explainer VideoProjecten in Video Productie (5) Klanten in Video Productie (5) AVRO-TROSEntertainment & Events | nationalKIEM MEDIA / National GeographicMedia | internationalPerfect ProRetail | internationalMeelunieVoedsel | international
Meer informatie over Video ProductieBeschrijving Whenever you need a digital strategy to drive growth and see actual numbers and results, including funnels and automation, we can help.Skills in Digital Strategy (17) SponsoringDigital TransformationMarketing AutomationfunnelDigital RoadmapB2B Digital MarketingMerkstrategieConversion webpositioneringUser Journey+7Projecten in Digital Strategy (6) Review in Digital Strategy (1) Bibi GerlagKlanten in Digital Strategy (6) MeelunieVoedsel | internationalEquigyEnergie en Olie | internationalPersuadeE-commerce | nationalStudio MiNSKMedia | international
Meer informatie over Digital StrategyBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Project in E-mail Marketing (1) Klant in E-mail Marketing (1) Bureau Voor ReuringMarketing & Reclame | international
Meer informatie over E-mail MarketingBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Project in Fotografie (1) Klant in Fotografie (1) Bureau Voor ReuringMarketing & Reclame | international
Meer informatie over Fotografie
8 leden in Studio MINSK's team
Studio MINSK heeft 2 awards gewonnen
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?With MiNSK we went on a journey to our brand values and customer profiles for our new start-up.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?With a solid foundation MiNSK started building our design identity. Next, they helped with ideas for a marketing strategy and further implementation of our identity.
Bibi Gerlag beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?The guys and girls at MiNSK regularly help me deliver kick-ass, functional and outstanding branding strategies for clients. When I’m looking for co-creation, creativity and conceptual thinking I pick up the phone and call them.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Accurate, responsive and co-creative in their way of working
Edwin Kool beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?For PerfectPro we needed a fully refreshed and repositioned brand
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking? Studio MiNSK seems to understand what you need, complements where needed and brings ideas to the next level. They're very flexible in taking suggestions and building on those.We are happy no effort was put in endless briefings that are dated the moment they are put on paper, budget discussions or what would be typically not possible. If you want to move fast, value good quality, communication and a nice working relationship, I can totally recommend their service.
Robin Vrijland beveelt dit bureau aan
Deel je ervaring met ons.
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