Walkie Talkie (+ 33 reviews) | Sortlist
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Walkie Talkie

Gent, België
Walkie Talkie is a leading public relations & influencer marketing agency that took home the Specialist agency of the year award in 2022. We thrive on strategic thinking and put earned media coverage first , envisioning desired and feasible news clippings. We do so by exploring what’s around the corner for your brand - and how we as a team can make it work for your target audience. Our extensive lifestyle and corporate network combined with our extensive experience, helps brands like yours generate the right attention, better reach and more relevancy. Connecting the right plugs between companies, media, influencers and consumer culture. All in a timely, transparent and relevant way. WHERE EARNED MEETS CREATIVITY As a full-service agency we develop and support creative solutions for our client’s needs. Our multilingual team of specialists includes strategists, project managers, copywriters, developers, graphic designers and social media managers—stretching our expertise beyond those of traditional public relations . Each team member has their own specific background, interests and proven track record within various industries including travel, food, fashion, tech, music, cultural projects and more. Add an in-depth understanding of that network and all things digital helps us create agile yet enduring PR campaigns which meet your objectives. In Belgium , our native Dutch- and French-speaking teams cover Flanders, Brussels, and the Walloon region from our HQ in Ghent. Additionally, when requested, we extend our scope to include the Netherlands and/or Luxembourg , ensuring an integrated BENE(LUX) approach for our clients. At the core of our operations lies our extensive network, our strong relationships, and an in-depth knowledge of our local media landscape. As this varies from country to country we often extend our expertise with existing partner agencies to successfully navigate any local nuances effectively.
18 mensen in hun team
Spreekt Engels, Frans, Maltees, Nederlands
44 projecten in hun portfolio
5 samenwerkingen gestart via Sortlist
Werkt op afstand over de hele wereld
Sortlist lid sinds 2015
Opgericht in 2013
20 awards gewonnen
Website openen


3 diensten aangeboden door Walkie Talkie

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Gerelateerde beoordelingen

  • Beschrijving
    Not just another press release. We know how to get people just as excited about your brand as we are. We shape your story together and find that right tone of voice and content that fits your audience. We pique your crowd's interest by associating your brand with the right people or raise brand awareness through the right selection of journalists, bloggers, stylists and/or influencers alike.
    Skills in Public Relations (PR) (81)
    Calculation of PR valuespersberichtenCrisis PRBranding & positioningHandling of media partnershipsCommunity MarketingCopywriting and editing of press releasesCreate PR hooksCrossover collaboration strategiesDay-to-day PR representation+71
    Projecten in Public Relations (PR) (44)
    RAY - Public Relations (PR)
    Flanders Technology & Innovation - Public Relations (PR)
    MEDIRECT - Public Relations (PR)
    Reviews in Public Relations (PR) (27)
    Daniella Levy
    Julie Engelborghs
    Bieke Biesbrouck
    Amaury Van Kenhove
    Klanten in Public Relations (PR) (44)
    PLAYMOBILSpeelgoed | national
    PALLADIUMKleding & Accessoires | national
    DANONEVoedsel | national
    SONY MUSICEntertainment & Events | international

    Meer informatie over Public Relations (PR)

  • Beschrijving
    Want to associate your brand with the right people or ambassadors? We’ll hook you up! Our influencer marketing campaigns are rooted in strategies that rely less on reach and more on the authenticity. We help our clients identify impactful and credible influencers for the job.


    When it comes to influencer marketing, we deploy the same tailor-made and personal approach as we do with press. The right person doesn’t necessarily equal the influencer with the biggest reach. You might get more eyeballs but are they eyeballs that care? Our lean and mean approaches sometimes focus on a larger group of micro influencers to carry a story.

    And our track record proves these tactics just click. Combine extensive experience – Walkie Talkie’s founders have been industry pioneers over the past decade – with integrated influencer marketing platforms and we’ve got the proper insights from the start of a briefing. And before you ask: yes we have the most extensive influencer database in Belgium at our disposal.
    Skills in Influencer Marketing (36)
    Influencer Campaign MonitoringInfluencer PRInfluencer RelationsInfluencer CampaignsInfluencer & Blogger RelationsInfluencer ProgramsInfluencerSocial Media InfluencerB2B Influencer MarketingInstagram Influencer+26
    Projecten in Influencer Marketing (30)
    RAY - Influencer Marketing
    COMBELL - UGLY BELGIAN WEBSITES - Influencer Marketing
    ALL BOOBS WELCOME HERE - Influencer Marketing
    Oise Tourisme - Influencer Marketing
    Reviews in Influencer Marketing (5)
    Rodolphe Van Nuffel
    Eva Simons
    Laurens Beke
    griet slos
    Klanten in Influencer Marketing (30)
    PLAYMOBILSpeelgoed | national
    PALLADIUMKleding & Accessoires | national
    DANONEVoedsel | national
    SONY MUSICEntertainment & Events | international

    Meer informatie over Influencer Marketing

  • Beschrijving
    Just like all our troopers, our Walkie Talkie corporate communication specialists aim for an integrated PR approach. Our hands-on team offers solid and bespoke corporate communication approaches, guaranteed to make your brand the talk of the town.

    Corporate communication is more than just the marketing that your organisation puts out to gain clients or customers. The scope of corporate communication includes internal communications, public relations, social media, customer communications and investor relations. When combined, these elements of corporate communication strengthen your company’s brand and presence in the marketplace.
    Skills in Bedrijfscommunicatie (6)
    Public RelationsMedia MonitoringCommunication adviceInternal CommunicationCrisis communicationPR
    Projecten in Bedrijfscommunicatie (6)
    MEDIRECT - Bedrijfscommunicatie
    365 DAYS OF ALKEN-MAES - Bedrijfscommunicatie
    CBX MEDICAL - Bedrijfscommunicatie
    BIO-PLANET - Bedrijfscommunicatie
    Klanten in Bedrijfscommunicatie (6)
    FRIESLANDCAMPINAVoedsel | international
    LoopTechnology Hardware & Equipment | national
    Alken-MaesDranken | national
    MeDirectBanken & financiële instellingen | international

    Meer informatie over Bedrijfscommunicatie

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18 leden in Walkie Talkie's team

Walkie Talkie cover
VerhaalSure, the Walkie Talkie machine has similar cogs compared to other agencies, yet we operate in a slightly different way. Our philosophy is to always adopt a personal approach. We start from a passion that connects people and love to pitch bespoke stories that resonate with the right target audience.
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Walkie Talkie heeft 20 awards gewonnen

BORA awards - Brand Development2024-12-1

Specialist Agency of the Year 20222022-1-31
Cannes Lions - Grand Prix for PR2022-5-1Grand Prix for PR

Creative Belgium Awards - Grand prix PR2022-5-30Consumer Communication

BORA Awards - Best mono-brand campaign2022-11-1Best mono-brand campaign

BORA Awards - Best mono-brand campaign2022-10-31Best mono-brand campaign

Grand Prix Stratégies de la communication santé 20242024-6-1COMMUNICATION D’ENTREPRISE

Eurobest - Grand Prix for Brand Experience & Creative Strategy2021-12-1

Epica Awards - Grand Prix PR2021-12-1

Clio Awards - Gold2022-12-1Special Event/Activation

Gerety Awards - Gold2022-9-1Experience Cut

THE ONE SHOW - Gold2022-5-1Experiential / Virtual Events
Creative Belgium Awards - Gold2022-5-31Corporate Purpose

Creative Belgium Awards - Gold2022-5-30Media( Other Digital Media)

Creative Belgium Awards - Silver2022-5-31Brand Experience (Digital Experience)

Creative Belgium Awards - Silver2022-6-1Media, Special Events, Stunts & Live Advertising

Creative Belgium Awards - Bronze2017-5-31Media
Creative Belgium Awards - Bronze2022-6-1Events, Live Shows, Festivals, Public health & safety

BOA Awards - Digital Communications2022-10-31



(33 reviews)
Bieke BiesbrouckZaakvoerder bij Uitgeverij HÖNGRY
ServicePublic Relations (PR)
Team1 - 10

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Het bureau hielp om de awareness te vergroten van mijn producten en mijn bedrijf

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Fijne communicatie en hands-on. Er werd regelmatig tijd vrijgemaakt om een status te geven.

Bieke Biesbrouck beveelt dit bureau aan

ServicePublic Relations (PR)
Team1 - 10

Thibaut VerhaegheCommunication Officer NL bij Memisa
ServicePublic Relations (PR)
Team11 - 50

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?De naamsbekendheid van onze organisatie opkrikken, alsook ondersteuning bieden bij de solidaire fotoshoots van Memisa op vlak van press coverage.

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?De professionele en tegelijkertijd persoonlijke manier van werken, de toegankelijkheid, bereikbaarheid en de flexibiliteit van de partner. Vooral ook de creatieve ideeën en het engagement om mee te denken.

Zijn er verbeterpunten?Geen.

Thibaut Verhaeghe beveelt dit bureau aan

ServicePublic Relations (PR)
Team11 - 50

Steven De BackerHead of Marketing bij MeDirect
ServicePublic Relations (PR)
SectorBanken & financiële instellingen
Team201 - 500

Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Het doel van de samenwerking is om de aanwezigheid van MeDirect binnen earned media te versterken op een paar thema's die voor ons belangrijk zijn. Voornamelijk onze betrouwbaarheid als bank, onze capaciteit om cliënten te begeleiden om de juiste investeringskeuzes te maken en cyber security.

Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?De grote mate van proactiviteit en reactiviteit langs de kant van Walkie Talkie en de betrokkenheid van het account management.

Zijn er verbeterpunten?We zijn momenteel nog een volledig plan aan het ontwikkelen waarbij we ook graag media willen activeren die buiten de klassiek harde economische context vallen.

Steven De Backer beveelt dit bureau aan

ServicePublic Relations (PR)
SectorBanken & financiële instellingen
Team201 - 500

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Contact gegevens van Walkie Talkie


  • HoofdkantoorHundelgemsesteenweg 51, 9050 Gent, België

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