Made By Lions
6 diensten aangeboden door Made By Lions
Beschrijving Made By Lions is specialized in producing Social Media, TV and Branded Content. Our team basically includes all the specialists needed for large and small productions and is easily scalable per production. We adapt our way of working to that of the customer so that producing content is as comfortable as possible for them. For example, our communication and pricing is always transparent and meeting agreed deadlines is very important to us, we expect the same from our customers.
Want to know more? Hit us up! 🦁Skills in Video Productie (52) CastingBedrijfsvideoSocial Media CampagneSocial Media CustomisatieScript SchrijvenVisuele EffectenAudiovisuele ProductiePost ProductieStoryboard WritingSpecial Effects (SFX)+42Projecten in Video Productie (11) Review in Video Productie (1) Paul SchuilingKlanten in Video Productie (11) Brompton RoadMarketing & Reclame | nationalServiceplan NederlandMarketing & Reclame | nationalTalpa Het BureauMedia | nationalVan der Zeeuw BouwBouw | national
Meer informatie over Video ProductieBeschrijving Made By Lions is specialized in producing Social Media, TV and Branded Content. Our team basically includes all the specialists needed for large and small productions and is easily scalable per production. We adapt our way of working to that of the customer so that producing content is as comfortable as possible for them. For example, our communication and pricing is always transparent and meeting agreed deadlines is very important to us, we expect the same from our customers.
Want to know more? Hit us up! 🦁Skills in Reclame (34) Open Reclamesociale reclametv reclameTV ReclameGrafische ReclameVolledige ServiceBedrijfsreclameMulticulturele ReclameInteractieve ReclameCreatieve+24Projecten in Reclame (11) Klanten in Reclame (11) Talpa Het BureauMedia | nationalVan der Zeeuw BouwBouw | nationalRijksmuseumKunst & Ambacht | internationalAbovo MediaMedia | national
Meer informatie over ReclameBeschrijving Made By Lions is specialized in producing Social Media, TV and Branded Content. Our team basically includes all the specialists needed for large and small productions and is easily scalable per production. We adapt our way of working to that of the customer so that producing content is as comfortable as possible for them. For example, our communication and pricing is always transparent and meeting agreed deadlines is very important to us, we expect the same from our customers.
Want to know more? Hit us up! 🦁Skills in Social media (28) Social Media AnalyseSocial Media Video ProductieSocial Media Video ProductieSociale VerkoopSocial Media CampagneSocial Media OptimisatiePinterest ReclameSnapchat ReclameSocial Media ListeningSociale Marketing+18Projecten in Social media (10) Reviews in Social media (2) Robert BlaasRaymond KlaassensKlanten in Social media (10) Van der Zeeuw BouwBouw | nationalRijksmuseumKunst & Ambacht | internationalAbovo MediaMedia | nationalLIJM AmsterdamMarketing & Reclame | national
Meer informatie over Social mediaBeschrijving Made By Lions is specialized in producing Social Media, TV and Branded Content. Our team basically includes all the specialists needed for large and small productions and is easily scalable per production. We adapt our way of working to that of the customer so that producing content is as comfortable as possible for them. For example, our communication and pricing is always transparent and meeting agreed deadlines is very important to us, we expect the same from our customers.
Want to know more? Hit us up! 🦁Skills in Media Planning (7) Media MonitoringNew MediaMedia CoverageMedia BuyingMedia StrategyStrategic PlanningOffline MediaProjecten in Media Planning (6) Klanten in Media Planning (6) Serviceplan NederlandMarketing & Reclame | nationalRijksmuseumKunst & Ambacht | nationalBrompton RoadMarketing & Reclame | nationalLIJM AmsterdamMarketing & Reclame | national
Meer informatie over Media PlanningBeschrijving Made By Lions is specialized in producing Social Media, TV and Branded Content. Our team basically includes all the specialists needed for large and small productions and is easily scalable per production. We adapt our way of working to that of the customer so that producing content is as comfortable as possible for them. For example, our communication and pricing is always transparent and meeting agreed deadlines is very important to us, we expect the same from our customers.
Want to know more? Hit us up! 🦁Skills in Content Strategy (7) StorytellingShareable ContentSocial Content StrategyContent AdvertisingTarget Audience DefinitionMultilingual ContentSpecification WritingProjecten in Content Strategy (7) Klanten in Content Strategy (7) RijksmuseumKunst & Ambacht | nationalServiceplan NederlandMarketing & Reclame | nationalAbovo MediaMedia | nationalBeing ThereMarketing & Reclame | national
Meer informatie over Content StrategyBeschrijving Made By Lions is specialized in producing Social Media, TV and Branded Content. Our team basically includes all the specialists needed for large and small productions and is easily scalable per production. We adapt our way of working to that of the customer so that producing content is as comfortable as possible for them. For example, our communication and pricing is always transparent and meeting agreed deadlines is very important to us, we expect the same from our customers.
Want to know more? Hit us up! 🦁Skills in Digital Strategy (6) Digital Media MarketingDigital TransformationDigitalizationDigital EntertainmentInbound MarketingOnline MarketingProjecten in Digital Strategy (2) Klanten in Digital Strategy (2) RijksmuseumKunst & Ambacht | nationalON THAT ASSRetail | international
Meer informatie over Digital Strategy
5 leden in Made By Lions's team
Made By Lions heeft 0 awards gewonnen
Ik werk ongeveer 3 jaar samen met Made By Lions. Want dat is het...ook al zijn we klant, we werken samen aan een project. Naar volle tevredenheid. Het is een klein team dat mee denkt, creatief is en een uitdaging niet uit de weggaat. Kortom een aanrader.
Werken met Made by Lions is altijd een feestje. Ze zijn gedreven, hebben humor en proberen altijd het maximale uit elke opdracht te halen. Je kunt met een gerust hart je complete project uit handen geven, zij regelen het!
Made By Lions heeft diverse malen livestream-rondleidingen en opnames voor het Mauritshuis verzorgd. Hun professionaliteit, korte lijnen en vermogen om zich in te leven in de klant, maakt de samenwerking uniek en heel fijn. Ze weten goed te schakelen en houden zich aan de gemaakte afspraken. Het is voor te stellen dat er diverse regels gelden om een productie in een museum te organiseren. Zij zijn daar zo professioneel mee omgegaan dat er het volle vertrouwen is in de samenwerking.
Deel je ervaring met ons.
Contact gegevens van Made By Lions
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