Raw Ego, Amsterdam | Sortlist
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Raw Ego

Amsterdam, Nederland
Creative 3D Visualizations
Raw Ego is een design studio gespecialiseerd in innovatieve story-driven 2d en 3d animaties.
1 personen in hun team
Spreekt Engels, Nederlands
13 projecten in hun portfolio
Sortlist lid sinds 2023
Opgericht in 2013
5 awards gewonnen
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4 diensten aangeboden door Raw Ego

Naam van dienst
Niveau van ervaring

Gerelateerde beoordelingen

  • Beschrijving
    3D at Raw Ego is the most flexible form of content creation. Static, linear, interactive or data driven, we have a proven track record with it. Realistic product renders or complex abstract concept storytelling, that is the breadth of options 3d has in store.
    Skills in 3D (5)
    Cinema 4D3D Design3D Animatie3D VisualisatieBlender
    Projecten in 3D (12)
    Raw Ego 3d viz showreel - 3D
    Huyser e-bikes homepage header & socials - 3D
    Teijin aramid for tires - 3D
    Ree projects x Lulama - 3D
    Klanten in 3D (12)
    huyserConsumer Electronics | national
    AKGConsumer Electronics | international
    AudiAuto | international
    finstBanken & financiële instellingen | international

    Meer informatie over 3D

  • Beschrijving
    Raw Ego's roots originate in graphic design and illustration. Among the first companies to combine these skills on a timeline 20 years ago we have THE bag of tricks and styles on sale combining 2D animation with video and intricate 3D to get layered, rich, creativity with a strong message for your marketing needs.
    Skills in Motion Design (4)
    Motion Design 3DLogo Motion Design2D AnimatieMotion Graphics
    Projecten in Motion Design (9)
    Raw Ego 3d viz showreel - Motion Design
    Teijin aramid for tires - Motion Design
    Audi A3 sneak peaks - Motion Design
    AKG 90Q product film - Motion Design
    Klanten in Motion Design (9)
    AKGConsumer Electronics | international
    AudiAuto | international
    finstBanken & financiële instellingen | international
    LawyerlinqJuridische diensten | national

    Meer informatie over Motion Design

  • Beschrijving
    3D, motion design and video. The holy trinity.
    Skills in Video Productie (4)
    Story TellingVideo EditingVisual EffectsStoryboard Writing
    Projecten in Video Productie (3)
    Teijin aramid for tires - Video Productie
    Ree projects x Lulama - Video Productie
    NEMO ruimtewandeling - Video Productie
    Klanten in Video Productie (3)
    Teijin aramidIndustriële Goederen en Diensten | international
    Ree projectsKleding & Accessoires | international
    NEMO science museumKunst & Ambacht | national

    Meer informatie over Video Productie

  • Beschrijving
    At Raw Ego all creative expressions begin with design and illustration.
    Skills in Ontwerp (5)
    Logo Graphic DesignLogo DesignTypographyCreative DesignGraphic Art
    Projecten in Ontwerp (5)
    Raw Ego 3d viz showreel - Ontwerp
    Ree projects x Lulama - Ontwerp
    Teijin aramid TLP - Ontwerp
    KPN TDD - Ontwerp
    Klanten in Ontwerp (5)
    KPNTelecommunicatie | national
    Teijin TLPIndustriële Goederen en Diensten
    Raw EgoAnderen | international
    Ree projectsKleding & Accessoires | international

    Meer informatie over Ontwerp

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1 lid in Raw Ego's team

Raw Ego cover
VerhaalRaw Ego is an one man creative army but forms a platoon of likeminded specialists in chalenging situations.
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Raw Ego heeft 5 awards gewonnen

Effie2012-6-1Centraal beheer - laatste bod
Esprix, SAN accent, Spinaward2011-6-1Hi Facebook facts
TMF award2005-3-1best clip
Spinawards2010-6-1finalist best design - Philips Aurea
ADCN silver, Cyber lion, Webby, Spinaward silver2009-6-1Hema rube goldberg


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Contact gegevens van Raw Ego



  • HoofdkantoorLevantplein 52, Amsterdam, Netherlands