Duval Branding NV
20 diensten aangeboden door Duval Branding NV
Beschrijving At Duval Branding we align your brand with your business drivers.
Today, companies are beginning to understand that people want meaning instead of messaging. Call it conversation, call it content, call it whatever you like. ‘Brand’ is not about what you say or how you look, but about who you are and what you do. We dare companies to (re)discover who they really are. Why are they doing what they are doing? And, then, we help them to communicate their vision, beliefs and personality in a coherent, inspiring way. So they, somehow, become who they truly are.Skills in Branding & Positionering (42) Brand Identitycustomer understandingbrand impact analysisverbal tone-of-voiceco-ideation workshopbrand messaging frameworkbrand taglinesco-explorationinterviewsbrand exploration+32Projecten in Branding & Positionering (24) Reviews in Branding & Positionering (3) Myra NurskiMaxim ChristiaenAn RydantKlanten in Branding & Positionering (24) The Drunken Horse GinDranken | internationalDUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | internationalBenjamineKleding & Accessoires | localAmploPersoneelszaken | national
Meer informatie over Branding & PositioneringBeschrijving Duval Branding offers strong and compelling design that supports the brand strategy and makes the brand universe come to life through all possible brand touch points and techniques.Skills in Ontwerp (29) Brand GuidelinesUX DesignDigital DesignLogo DesignSpatial DesignWayfinding DesignBrand IdentityCorporate BrandingTypographyBrand Design+19Projecten in Ontwerp (25) Klanten in Ontwerp (25) DUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | internationalIsabel GroupBanken & financiële instellingen | internationalStrange DonkeyWijn & Sterke Dranken | nationalMercier VanderlindenBanken & financiële instellingen | international
Meer informatie over OntwerpBeschrijving Duval Branding offers digital strategy and execution services based on customer journey exploration, ideation, design and optimization.Skills in Digital Strategy (27) User Experience DesignLead GenerationOnline MarketingE-marketingDigital DesignMarketing StrategyDigital OptimizationUser Experience StrategyE-commerce StrategyMarketing Automation+17Projecten in Digital Strategy (9) Klanten in Digital Strategy (9) AmploPersoneelszaken | nationalDUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | internationalStokersKantoor/Kamer/Ruimte verhuur | localParentiaZorginstellingen
Meer informatie over Digital StrategyBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Project in Content Strategy (1) Klant in Content Strategy (1) DUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | international
Meer informatie over Content StrategyBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Projecten in 3D (3) Klanten in 3D (3) DUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | internationalThe Drunken Horse GinDranken | internationalParentiaZorginstellingen
Meer informatie over 3DBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Copywriting (1) Technical WritingProjecten in Copywriting (3) Klanten in Copywriting (3) The Drunken Horse GinDranken | internationalGravaMarketing & Reclame | nationalDUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | international
Meer informatie over CopywritingBeschrijving Duval Branding offers in-house motion design as part of a branding exercise.Skills in Motion Design (1) Motion DesignProjecten in Motion Design (15) Klanten in Motion Design (15) Vanden BorreConsumer Electronics | nationalTAJOZorginstellingen | nationalPartenaZorginstellingenBENYReizen & Vrije tijd
Meer informatie over Motion DesignBeschrijving Duval Branding offers digital services in the field of online communication (eg.: website design and development, social media design, service design)Skills in Website Creatie (1) Website RedesignProjecten in Website Creatie (6) Klanten in Website Creatie (6) StokersKantoor/Kamer/Ruimte verhuur | localParentiaZorginstellingenTAJOZorginstellingen | nationalGravaMarketing & Reclame | national
Meer informatie over Website CreatieBeschrijving Duval Branding is an official accredited media agency. We audit, analyze, advise, plan, buy and negotiate on- and offline media on behalf of our clients.Skills in Media Planning (2) Offline marketingOffline mediaProjecten in Media Planning (3) Klanten in Media Planning (3) DUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | internationalParentiaZorginstellingenMatexiVastgoed | international
Meer informatie over Media PlanningBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Project in Online Advertising (1) Klant in Online Advertising (1) DUVAL BRANDING NVMarketing & Reclame | international
Meer informatie over Online Advertising
24 leden in Duval Branding NV's team
Duval Branding NV heeft 0 awards gewonnen
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?The agency provided us with a brand identity and a strategy.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?The creative process and the collaboration.
An Rydant beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Aligning all our brand assets and communication, keeping the good pieces, and improving the bad ones.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Great input, great creative minds, flexible, and did their research.
Zijn er verbeterpunten?the focus, they changed the packaging as we have specifically asked not to.
Maxim Christiaen beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?brand development for various companies, including naming, logo design and complete housestyle
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?the sound strategy, the challenging yet emphatic sound boarding, the bang-on creative
klaus lommatzsch beveelt dit bureau aan
Deel je ervaring met ons.
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