Flirt Creativity
18 diensten aangeboden door Flirt Creativity
Beschrijving From creating websites, webshops, apps, and digital marketing solutions like AR and VR filters, to developing giphys, stickers or other innovative ingenuities.
We have an in-depth understanding of the kinds of connections needed within organizations and know exactly how to turn concepts and ideas into digital action and transformation.Skills in Digital Strategy (31) digital marketing communicationsProject ManagementCommunicationMedia BuyingMarketing StrategyMedia StrategyOffline Marketingcommunicationcontent marketingonline marketing+21Projecten in Digital Strategy (15) Klanten in Digital Strategy (15) OPEN32Retail | nationalJust BrandsKleding & Accessoires | internationalBrunottiKleding & Accessoires | internationalBakerlineVoedsel | national
Meer informatie over Digital StrategyBeschrijving We live in a time where storytelling and brand authenticity is key for success, both in terms of presence and relevance. Brands around the world are investing in (re)defining their stories so audiences can relate and identify with the values and create a stronger loyalty. In the new digital era, the brand story plays a key role in driving differentiation, loyalty, recall and brand equity.
Flirt believe in the power of creative storytelling and build brands with a blend of culture, philosophy and strategy. With 17 years of experience and proven gut-feeling we shape brands by developing brand strategies and brand platforms that acts as a guide for company culture and all-things communication. Moreover, we also provide consulting on how to manage your brand and business from within.Skills in Branding & Positionering (41) digital strategybrand designvisual identityinnovationbranding360º advertisingKey VisualBrand DesignRebrandingEmployer Branding+31Projecten in Branding & Positionering (22) Reviews in Branding & Positionering (4) Jeff HamersSybren van DaalenKimm van SplunterAnne-FleurKlanten in Branding & Positionering (22) PME LegendKleding & Accessoires | internationalBrunottiSport | internationalSka DaycareZorginstellingen | regionalWalmac M&A ConsultancyBanken & financiële instellingen | national
Meer informatie over Branding & PositioneringBeschrijving From building a new brand 'from scratch', to rebranding an existing brand to developing a successful branding strategy, we've got it all! We help you in the successful positioning of your brand, and we develop and design all possible expressions to achieve your goals.
We have designers, web developers and an internal video department, with which we can produce complete marketing campaigns; from designing a brand identity to producing and shooting a brand video to the online implementation of the campaign.Skills in Reclame (32) social media360º advertisingPaid MediaCreativeBrand Identityfilm productiontv commercialdigital campaignbrand videosocial media campaign+22Projecten in Reclame (24) Review in Reclame (1) Timion Meering & Maaike Gieling - BekkerKlanten in Reclame (24) O'NeillKleding & Accessoires | internationalbunqBanken & financiële instellingen | internationalOPEN32Retail | nationalVibe Group Netherlands B.V.Software & Computer Services | international
Meer informatie over ReclameBeschrijving We include our social media marketing integrated within larger campaigns as well as separate projects depending on the purpose. Our social team is native in the social environment and work with both organic and paid content. We transform the use of social media by creating meaningful relationships through engagement, optimization, and activation. Our team also create and/or adapt social native content on trending topics.Skills in Social media (39) paid ads3d animaticsactivation formatssocial media consultantdata drivenSocial Media Growthcrossmediaalsocial designSM AnalyticsSocial Media Listening+29Projecten in Social media (15) Klanten in Social media (15) bunqBanken & financiële instellingen | internationalJust BrandsKleding & Accessoires | internationalBrunottiKleding & Accessoires | internationalBrunottiSport | international
Meer informatie over Social mediaBeschrijving Years of experience in the field of creation, development and management of various webshops, including all Just Brands webshops from PME Legend, Vanguard, Cast Iron and Just Retail.Skills in E-commerce (12) Magento Web DevelopmentWebshop Developmentgraphic designecommerceResponsive E-shopDropshippingb2b ecommerceShopify MarketingDistributieDropshipping Strategie+2Projecten in E-commerce (3) Klanten in E-commerce (3) Just BrandsKleding & Accessoires | internationalWalmac M&A ConsultancyBanken & financiële instellingen | nationalBrunottiKleding & Accessoires | international
Meer informatie over E-commerceBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Video Productie (28) Speciale Effecten (SFX)Visuele EffectenAudiovisuele ProductieSpecial Effects (SFX)Drone VideobeeldenDrone ShootingVoice Overmotion design 3dmotion graphicmovie production+18Projecten in Video Productie (20) Klanten in Video Productie (20) DFS InternationalHuishoudelijke Producten | internationalNewpublicOverheid | nationalO'Neill EuropeKleding & Accessoires | internationalSka KinderopvangNon-profit | regional
Meer informatie over Video ProductieBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Fotografie (18) Drone FotografieCommerciële FotografieVoedselfotografieProduct FotografieFoto ShootingFoto bewerkingwebsite fotografiephotoshootfotografiebehind the scenes+8Projecten in Fotografie (18) Klanten in Fotografie (18) Vibe Group Netherlands B.V.Software & Computer Services | internationalOPEN32Retail | nationalBrunottiKleding & Accessoires | internationalG-StarKleding & Accessoires | international
Meer informatie over FotografieBeschrijving Flirt is all about flirting with visuals that does not look like advertising. We have an in-house creative team who produce and create visuals in all forms including video, photo, graphic, motion, animation, AR/VR and more. We create visuals for all channels and understand how visuals work best in both traditional, online and offline media.Skills in Ontwerp (27) Print Ontwerp2D DesignMockup OntwerpPowerpoint Presentatie OntwerpPowerpoint Presentation DesignConceptueel OntwerpCartoon OntwerpVisuele CommunicatieBedrijfsontwerpInfographic Ontwerp+17Projecten in Ontwerp (17) Klanten in Ontwerp (17) Vibe Group NetherlandsTechnology Hardware & Equipment | internationalO'NeillKleding & Accessoires | internationalMBO AmersfoortOnderwijs | regionalST. APEKleding & Accessoires | international
Meer informatie over OntwerpBeschrijving We have in-house designers and developers who can help you in creating and setting up your own website and webshop. From advice on hosting, to the development of custom themes, we work together with our clients to create functional yet beautiful websites.Skills in Website Creatie (27) Responsive DesignWebflowWixResponsieve Website DevelopmentWebsite DesignWebsite designWebsite HerontwerpLandingspagina OntwerpWireframe OntwerpResponsive Website Ontwikkeling+17Projecten in Website Creatie (7) Klanten in Website Creatie (7) OPEN32Retail | nationalST. APEKleding & Accessoires | internationalEostreAnderen | nationalWalmac M&A ConsultancyBanken & financiële instellingen | national
Meer informatie over Website CreatieBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in 3D (1) 3D DesignProjecten in 3D (2) Klanten in 3D (2) bunqBanken & financiële instellingen | internationalJust BrandsKleding & Accessoires | international
Meer informatie over 3D
25 leden in Flirt Creativity's team
Flirt Creativity heeft 1 award gewonnen
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?We hebben de expertise van Flirt ingezet voor het ontwikkelen van onze nieuwe visual branding en alle deliverables die daarbij komen kijken.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Het moment dat een deliverable, bijvoorbeeld een advertentie, banner of kaart, in je mailbox zit en het precies is wat je gehoopt had, of meer. Superfijn dat we zo snel kunnen schakelen, het team met ons meedenkt en onze wensen met zoveel creativiteit weet door te vertalen in gave designs.
Kimm van Splunter beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?The agency actively supported in rebranding an excising foreign brand to resignatie with the Dutch consumers with the goal to maximise the brand awareness and generate more cashflow.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Their personal approach is one of a kind. They are willing to help on many different levels and their support goes far beyond any other agency I have worked with in the past.
Zijn er verbeterpunten?Absolutely, the parking space available at their Amersfoort office could be improved. Not really good for when you just had a new car and scratch your rims. Their Amsterdam office is easy to get to and to park.
Sybren van Daalen beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?The goal was to set up 3 campaigns in a short time to support our internal team.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?The great thing about the collaboration is that they come up with a strong concept and then fully implement it.
Zijn er verbeterpunten?a point of improvement would be; Include our internal team more in the deliverables because they have a lot of experience in the applicability of the elements.
Timion Meering & Maaike Gieling - Bekker beveelt dit bureau aan
Deel je ervaring met ons.
Contact gegevens van Flirt Creativity
- HoofdkantoorRokin 75, 1012 KL Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Krommestraat 70, 3811 CD Amersfoort, Netherlands
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