15 diensten aangeboden door June20
Beschrijving We design and build your brand consistently in every interface, from strategy through execution. In a highly complex communication and marketing landscape, as engineers, we start from data and consumer insights to build your brand following the principles of design methodology, in every touchpoint. Creating emotional content and meaningful brand experiences requires a solid strategic foundation all along the customer journey.
— Brand strategy
— Communication strategy
— Marketing strategy
— Channel strategy
We are experts at building brands from their core. In an interactive approach we refine or define together with you the brand essence that will enthuse your team and boost your marketing efforts to make a true impact on the world.
Building on the right data set and on market and consumer insights we will define together the actual objectives and select the right initiatives that will contribute to your goals.
Engineering your strongest emotional connection comes with the best planned use of the available channels while making your own as efficient as possible. We’re ready to empower full engagement with stakeholders through paid, earned, owned and social media.Skills in Marketing (13) B2C MarketingMarketing ServicesMarketing Strategycommunication planningMarketing ConsultingRetail MarketingMultichannel MarketingData Driven MarketingSustainable MarketingB2B Marketing+3
Meer informatie over MarketingBeschrijving Talking communication is talking platforms. Our team combines creative excellence with technology-driven business thinking to map, design, develop and run creative online platforms. Our solutions are built on a clear brand and communication strategy, fulfilling the connection with your stakeholders by offering them a practical, useful and pleasant online experience.
Our services include e-commerce branded webshops, transaction platforms, content landing pages, brand portals and campaign sites – each of them contributing to growth through optimal use of technology. Expertise ranges from PHP over WordPress to Laravel, React and many more.
The platforms we deliver are brand consistent, user friendly and highly rated. After delivery, we take care of executing the content roadmap, webmastership and technical as well as functional updates.
Maybe your brand positioning, campaign or customer journey would require app building or technological implementation in a physical environment – we’re into it as long as it adds value for the stakeholder.Skills in Website Creatie (33) E-Commerce AdviesWebflowWixE-commerce Web OntwerpE-Commerce OntwerpWebsite HerontwerpE-commerceWebsite OptimisatieE-Commerce Consultingweb-display+23Projecten in Website Creatie (7) Klanten in Website Creatie (7) DeceuninckBouw | internationalPwC BelgiumManagement Consulting | nationalWillemenBouwGutzandgloryMarketing & Reclame | national
Meer informatie over Website CreatieBeschrijving Starting from brand strategy, we use all available channels to install your brand's promise. Yet, the proof of the pudding is in the
To build a strong brand that connects with many it takes a solid and consistently executed brand identity – in every interface. We create brands with impact: carefully constructed identities that connect in an instant, showing your brand’s story to the world – as if it has always been there. We design your brand’s identity starting from a solid brand strategy as it drives the choices we make, for every touchpoint and on any level.
We believe that the strongest brand identities are those that evolve with time and with their audience. Whether it’s about refreshing the current visual language or extending design canvases and colour palettes or starting from scratch, we go for impact and full harmony. That includes brand personality, tone of voice, photography guidelines and motion assets to build full brand manuals.
Used to working within an international context, we empower our customers – and their graphic departments – in a true partnership spirit, developing guidelines for all touchpoints and developing master templates as well as finished artwork and layouts together – even guiding production.
Our focus is on efficiency and consistency, whether it’s about social media templates, campaign design, assets for internal communication as well as physical site signage and UI platform design.
Special mention goes to our affinity with packaging and spatial design. As we make brands grow with a connection that moves people, we need to pay full attention to the ultimate moment of truth: shelf space, be it in physical retail or on e-commerce.Skills in Branding & Positionering (35) positioneringUnieke Attributen DefinitieB2C-positioneringIdeale-KlantprofieldefinitieB2B-positioneringMessagingMerk BenamingVisuele IdentiteitCorporate Identiteit OntwerpMerkactivatie+25Projecten in Branding & Positionering (13) Review in Branding & Positionering (1) Koen VandenhendeKlanten in Branding & Positionering (13) Red MarketRetail | nationalSmeg BEHuishoudelijke Producten | nationalPwC BelgiumManagement Consulting | nationalBeapharHuisdieren | international
Meer informatie over Branding & PositioneringBeschrijving June20 is a creative communications agency that inspires and helps companies and brands grow by building their strongest possible emotional connection with their audience. To achieve that we create and develop communication initiatives in the broadest sense, at any time starting from properly defined strategy, messaging and concept.
True to our creative origins we develop innovative campaigns that build brand equity and brand loyalty. It’s our sincere belief that brand awareness and a positive emotional connection drive growth in the long term. We’re master artisans in creating and excellently executing brand concepts, amazing commercials, integrated digital campaigns and engaging content.
We believe in the power of brand consistency and in the close connection between internal and external communication for brands and organisations. As we help companies define and communicate their purpose and positioning we build and execute communication plans that range from internal engagement communication to employer branding through recruitment campaigns. On top of that, we’re just as fond of corporate communications, reporting and sustainability strategy communication as brand touchpoints and tools to build stakeholder engagement.
As storydoing is a stronger lever to engage a community of fans than mere storytelling, at June20 we’re very fond of brand activation campaigns. What’s better than to have your audience really experience what your brand is all about, digitally as well as live? Inspiring and relevant engaging experiences that generate talkability and trial are the ultimate way of engineering your emotional brand connection.Skills in Reclame (31) DigitalGuerilla ReclameB2B ReclameYoutube ReclameBillboard OntwerpBedrijfsreclame360 ReclameLinkedin ReclameDigitale ReclameFull-Service+21Projecten in Reclame (10) Klanten in Reclame (10) ParterraKleding & Accessoires | internationalJune20Media | internationalBeapharHuisdieren | internationalSD Worx - Staffing SolutionsPersoneelszaken | national
Meer informatie over ReclameBeschrijving It’s our goal to build your brand on social media. Together with you we determine the KPI’s and work towards them. We create suitable content starting from a strategic plan. We track the interactions and report back to you. We use research and analysis to optimize and grow your social media presence.Skills in Social media (36) Sociale content strategieSocial Media MarketingContent CreationFacebook AdsRetargetingSocial Media ManagementFacebookInstagramSocial Media ContentFacebook Advertising+26Projecten in Social media (7) Klanten in Social media (7) Cambio VlaanderenVervoer | regionalPwC BelgiumManagement Consulting | nationalBeapharHuisdieren | internationalPwC BelgiumManagement Consulting | national
Meer informatie over Social mediaBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Grafische Identiteit (1) Identity DesignProject in Grafische Identiteit (1) Klant in Grafische Identiteit (1) ParterraKleding & Accessoires | international
Meer informatie over Grafische IdentiteitBeschrijving .Skills in Content Strategy (15) StoryboardGelokaliseerde InhoudSpecificatie SchrijvenDoelpubliek DefinitieDeelbare ContentStrategieontwikkelingContent creatieContent AdvertisingSEO StrategieBlog Strategie+5Projecten in Content Strategy (11) Klanten in Content Strategy (11) DeceuninckBouw | internationalHOGENTOnderwijs | nationalPwC BelgiumManagement Consulting | nationalPwC BelgiumManagement Consulting | national
Meer informatie over Content StrategyBeschrijving Establishing an emotional connection is key throughout the full customer journey: that's what we call a consistent and efficient customer experience. We start from brand strategy and implement digital strategy. No matter the channels and technology, we integrate your distinctive promise in every click and swipe. Our focus is on platforms, content, social and display advertising.Skills in Digital Strategy (49) Online ReputatieSocial Media MarketingSEOContent StrategyOnline MarketingUX DesignGoogle AdWordsRetargetingGoogle AnalyticsSEA+39Projecten in Digital Strategy (13) Review in Digital Strategy (1) Thierry DossogneKlanten in Digital Strategy (13) EtexBouw | internationalHoogstraten AardbeienVoedsel | nationalSD Worx - Staffing SolutionsPersoneelszaken | nationalBeapharHuisdieren | international
Meer informatie over Digital StrategyBeschrijving .Skills in Online Advertising (36) Microsoft AdvertisingPay Per ViewAmazon Reclamesociale media reclameDigitale AdvertentieDigital Out of HomeYoutube ReclameBetaalde MediaROI OptimizationGoogle Adwords+26Projecten in Online Advertising (8) Klanten in Online Advertising (8) PwC BelgiumManagement Consulting | nationalDeceuninckBouw | internationalBeapharHuisdieren | internationalHOGENTOnderwijs | national
Meer informatie over Online AdvertisingBeschrijving Geen beschrijving opgegeven voor deze service.
Skills in Influencer Marketing (14) Tiktok InfluencersInfluencer StrategyMacro influencersNano InfluencersInfluencer SelectionInfluencer-wervingInfluencer Content ValidationInfluencer Reporting and ROIInstagram InfluencerB2B Influencer Marketing+4
Meer informatie over Influencer Marketing
45 leden in June20's team
June20 heeft 12 awards gewonnen
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Talrijke projecten : jaarverslagen, duurzaamheidsverslagen, perberichten, digital, SoMe, video, interne campagnes, branding, enz.
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Altijd gemotiveerde mensen, die in moeilijke omstandigheden qua tijd tijd, budget, enz. een oplossing vinden en heel flexibel zijn. Diepe kennis van de klant en een gediversifieerde team die talrijke taken aankan. Op menselijk vlak heel vriendelijk met een positieve aanpak.
Thierry Dossogne beveelt dit bureau aan
Wat was het doel van de samenwerking?Het bureau heeft geholpen om een scherpe en onderscheidende positionering vast te leggen voor het Vondelmolenmerk. De rebranding met duidelijke categorisering van het assortiment is een echte leidraad geworden voor alle initiatieven die we nemen. Dit alles naast een uitmuntend uitgewerkte communicatiecampagne .
Wat vond je het leukst tijdens de samenwerking?Geen jaknikkers! Echt een sparringpartner die strategisch en tactisch de commerciële aanpak naar een hoger niveau brengt. Zeer professionele executie van de afgesproken opdrachten.
Koen Vandenhende beveelt dit bureau aan
Deel je ervaring met ons.
Contact gegevens van June20
- HoofdkantoorStapelplein 70, 9000 Gent, België
- Bisschoppenhoflaan 88, 2100 Antwerpen, België
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