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Around 97% of your prospects are currently not looking for your product or service. This group of people needs education and nurturing. So that when the need arises for your offer, they understand the problem that you solve, and you are on top of mind in your category. With Demand Generation , you create interest and demand for the product/service you sell. You define your audience and serve your prospects (high-quality) content that helps them understand that 1) they have a problem to be solved and 2) you are the one to solve that problem! The goal is to create inbound leads: prospects who come to you with a request for a demo or proposal. However, setting up a proper Demand Generation strategy takes time and you might not have the right Demand Generation experts in your team. That’s where Dapper comes in. We create the team you need to set up your demand generation machine. From copywriters to designers and paid advertising experts, we complement your team where you miss expertise. Every marketer on our team is a seaned Demand Generation specialist with each their own specialism. Instead of hiring one generalist or five specialists, hire a Demand Generation Team at Dapper. For the same price as one Senior Marketer, you’ll have access to a full-blown Demand Generation team with all the specialists you need.
22 projecten in Growth Marketing
Gevestigd in Rotterdam, Nederland (+1)
Vanaf € 5.000 voor Growth Marketing
Ervaring in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+15)
Spreekt Nederlands, Duits(+6)
11-50 teamleden